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Many often use various products and treatments to seek healthier, more vibrant hair and skin. But what if there was a simple, natural practice that could enhance the health of your hair, invigorate your scalp, and rejuvenate your body? Dry brushing is one such practice, often overlooked, but it has many benefits. Let's get to know dry brushing and how it can transform your hair, scalp, and body, leaving you with a radiant and revitalised feeling. What is Dry Brushing? Dry brushing is an ancient practice that uses a natural bristle brush to gently massage the skin, boosting blood circulation and eliminating dead skin cells. This skincare technique has gained popularity for its potential benefits, including exfoliation, improved circulation, and lymphatic system support. Benefits of Dry Brushing Dry brushing offers several potential advantages for your skin, scalp, hair and overall well-being: Exfoliation and Radiant

The lymphatic system is a network of delicate tubes throughout the body; in simplistic terms, it is our body’s ‘sewerage system.’ The lymphatic system is essential for the optimal functioning of our general and specific immune responses. It drains fluid (called lymph) that has leaked from the blood vessels into the tissues and empties it back into the bloodstream via the lymph nodes. Overview of the lymphatic system and how to improve a sluggish one Lymph nodes are the filters in our body. They exist at various points around the body, including the throat, armpits, chest, abdomen and groin. They monitor the lymph fluid flowing into them and produce cells and antibodies that protect our body from infection and disease. The lymphatic system also includes other organs, such as the thymus, spleen, and tonsils. These organs contain immune cells that help to fight