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The Superpowers of Beetroot Powder: Benefits, Nutrients, and Uses Beetroots are part of the beet family and are root vegetables.  Beetroot powder is dehydrated, which helps it to retain a lot of its superpowers, which can get lost when heat treated. The goodness in beetroots benefits us in many ways, from boosting brain power to removing toxins in the body. From the top to the bottom and many things in between. This humble vegetable is full of vitamins and minerals such as: Fibre, which is needed in our bodies to help keep us regular, is a function that is important in eliminating waste. Vitamin C helps to repair and hydrate dry skin and support collagen production. Folate, which is naturally present in a lot of food, including beetroot. It is a B vitamin that the body uses in cells. Protein. Beetroots have