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Coconut oil is rapidly becoming one of the most talked about fats. It has recently become a popular addition to dishes, with more and more people adding it to their meals daily. Both for its flavour and health benefits, coconut oil has become part of many people’s diets. When used correctly, coconut oil can be very beneficial in your diet. However, coconut oil has become heavily marketed, so it’s important to understand precisely why and how you should eat it. Eating coconut oil is good and we'll tell you why in this article. What is Coconut Oil? Coconut oil is a plant oil extracted from copra (dried coconut meat) or fresh coconut meat. It is also called coconut fat, coconut oil, or coco oil. Coconut oil has about 90% saturated fat, higher than butterfat-with about 63% saturated fat. Its total fatty acid composition is about 60% medium-chain fatty

Unleash Your Inner Power: The Key to Optimal Fitness and Wellness - A Wolfpack Performance Interview (Part 2) In part 2 of my interview, we talked about food and getting started. You’ve started growing veges. How did this come about? We had some space in the yard, and I wanted to do something but didn’t know what to do. I reached out to Stephen Goses, the mobility movement maestro at Farm Collective. The Wolfpack Performance community met with him and learnt about working with the land and working together to create crops. We’ve had a couple of events there, and I’ve also applied what I’ve been learning in my own backyard.    What’s a typical meal for you? I’m on an animal-based diet, so the majority of my meals are meats and fish, and occasionally I’ll have some vegetables and other carb sources.  I’m not really

Last year was different, it was one that I could not have imagined for obvious reasons and one I hadn’t considered. By the end of the year, I was feeling flat, tired, and a few kilos heavier so I decided something had to change. I reached out to Nick from Wolfpack Performance and started working with him virtually to feel better, move better again, and just be well. I've noticed changes physically and mentally after working with Nick for 6 weeks and I wanted to share some information about Wolfpack Performance and what he does. So without further ado

Hi, and welcome to The Coconut Store, your one-stop shop for nourishing and healthy coconut products for the pantry, skin, body, home, and pets. I am Reena, I am an everyday person seeking to live my best life by making healthy and better choices. I've found coconut products are a great addition to what I use, as well as a great alternative to some types of oils, flours and creams. I was born in Fiji, living there for only a short while, yet grew up with a lot of the cultural ways.  Coconuts were always in the house and used in many aspects of life - food, drink, hair oil, skin creams. It was the Fiji way of life. Wellness is a path I’ve found myself on for some time, starting with working in a spa environment and then learning about and understanding

Beauty is more than skin deep, and it turns out that having healthy skin is important for more than just creating a good impression. We live in an age of selfies and social media, where both men and women find themselves under a lot of pressure to present flawless skin to the world. Our skin is the largest organ in our body. In fact, it protects all of our internal organs from external threats like environmental pollutants, UV rays and microorganisms. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, maintaining skin healthy means, you are protecting your body against germs as well as damage to your bones, muscles and internal organs. Besides keeping harmful microbes out and your body infection free, your skin also keeps fluids inside your body to prevent dehydration. Understanding the Importance of a Solid Skin Barrier How your