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gut friendly Tag

What Is the Gut Microbiome? The microbiome is the collective term for the trillions of bacteria. It also has some other microorganisms that live inside and on our bodies. You host around ten times more bacterial cells than human cells! While it's true that most of these microbes are beneficial and help keep us healthy, some amount of "bad" bacteria is also present. As with all ecosystems, we must maintain a delicate balance for optimum health. When we talk about gut health, we're referring to the health of these trillions of microorganisms that live inside our gut. The gut microbiome produces short-chain fatty acids, vitamins B and K2, that keep our immune system strong and provide energy. It also helps us digest our food and absorb nutrients to stay healthy. Coconut: A Healthier Alternative to Dairy for Your Gut It's no secret that

New in the store are goodMix Muesli Blend 11 and Blend 13, gut-friendly, all-natural, and nutritious superfoods. Have a bowl for breakfast, or add to smoothies, yoghurt, or bowls. They are suitable for a range of diets, including keto, gluten-free, low-fodmap, vegan, and primal; all you need to do is pick your blend. goodMix Muesli’s Available Blends Blend 11 is a gluten-free, vegan bircher muesli mix that is low-carb, keto-friendly, and low-FODMAP. "Use the blend to ‘feed your gut bugs; it’s been tested by some of Australia’s best gut researchers (CSIRO) and is well fermented by bowel microbes into the beneficial short-chain fatty acid butyrate. This superfood mix is 100% natural, diversely fibrous, completely plant-derived, and mostly organic." The recommended serving size for an adult is 1/3 of a cup of activated Blend 11 daily. Seeds are easier to digest, gentler on the digestive tract, and offer greater health benefits when soaked or activated overnight before

Locako low-carb keto chocolate gummies are so easy to make and deliciously good. Easy Chocolate Gummies Mix Features 🤎 They have no added sugar 🤎 Is good for your gut 🤎 Includes MCT coconut oil powder for metabolism 🤎 Gluten and dairy free 🤎  Is a good source of protein and dietary collagen, which is great for your skin 🤎  and super easy to make My daughter and I made a small batch using: 5 tablespoons (175ml) of boiling water and 5 tablespoons of the Chocolate Gummy Mix. This made 8 gummies in total. I halved the mix before pouring it into a mould and added 1 teaspoon of chocolate hazelnut coconut butter. Both were delicious 😋   If you ❤ chocolate, you should really give these chocolate gummies a go. Occasions to Enjoy: Easy Chocolate Gummies are not just a treat; they're a versatile addition to various occasions.