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Chocolate chip cookies Tag

Vegan Coconut and Chocolate Biscuits are easy to make and, as the name suggests, are full of coconut and chocolate goodness. My daughter is one of the kindest and most joyful humans I know; at seven, she inspires me to spread joy in the world. Her teacher moved into a brand new home in our area last weekend, and Dahlia wanted to give him and his partner a housewarming gift to celebrate their life event. Buying and moving into your first home is a BIG event and so exciting! My daughter came up with some very random ideas and eventually settled on homemade biscuits, and this is our Vegan Coconut and Chocolate Biscuits recipe. Ingredients: 1/3 cup of coconut flour 1/3 cup of almond meal 1/3 cup of coconut sugar 1/3 cup of plain flour 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder 1 tablespoon of cacao

Baking is a favourite pastime in my house and is a great time to switch out typical ingredients with something coconutty. I used coconut sugar instead of brown sugar in this choc chip cookie recipe and greased the tray with coconut oil. The coconut sugar adds richness to the taste of the choc chip cookies, and the coconut oil on the tray lends a slight coconut taste. 💡Tip for the day: Check if you have enough choc chips or something to use as an alternative, like a block of chocolate. 125g melted butter 1/2 cup of coconut sugar 1/3 cup of caster sugar 1 egg (room temperature) 1 tsp of vanilla essence 1.5 cups of self-raising flour 3/4 cup of choc chips or smashed block of chocolate A bit of coconut oil to grease the tray Method: Preheat the oven to 160 °C Line the pan