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Are there alternative sweeteners I can use for baking Tag

Did you know that in Australia, the average person consumes approximately 60 grams of sugar per day? That's roughly equivalent to 14 teaspoons of sugar daily, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics! This amount exceeds the recommended level set by the World Health Organization (WHO), which advises limiting added sugars to less than 10% of total daily intake. Take steps to meet these guidelines and improve overall health by reducing sugar when baking today. While sugar may make our treats taste delicious, its excessive consumption has a dark side. Always be mindful of the hidden sugars in various foods and beverages, including energy drinks, electrolytes, fruit juices, sauces, condiments, flavoured yoghurts, and processed snacks. Understanding sugar intake and making informed choices are essential for maintaining our well-being and preventing related health issues. Welcome to our guide on reducing sugar content in