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The Superpowers of Beetroot Powder: Benefits, Nutrients, and Uses Beetroots are part of the beet family and are root vegetables.  Beetroot powder is dehydrated, which helps it to retain a lot of its superpowers, which can get lost when heat treated. The goodness in beetroots benefits us in many ways, from boosting brain power to removing toxins in the body. From the top to the bottom and many things in between. This humble vegetable is full of vitamins and minerals such as: Fibre, which is needed in our bodies to help keep us regular, is a function that is important in eliminating waste. Vitamin C helps to repair and hydrate dry skin and support collagen production. Folate, which is naturally present in a lot of food, including beetroot. It is a B vitamin that the body uses in cells. Protein. Beetroots have a moderate amount of protein which can help […]

Supercharge Your Foods with Organic Goodness Coconut Plus Cacao is a powerful and nutritious blend that will supercharge your meals and snacks with organic goodness. This delightful mix combines the incredible benefits of coconut and cacao, providing a wide array of essential nutrients and antioxidants to support your overall well-being. Add a super boost to your foods with Coconut Plus Cacao! Add 1 – 2 teaspoons to a smoothie, cereals, yoghurt, shakes, or use it as a sprinkle on cakes and treats.   Coconut contains minerals that support our immune system, keep us regular, and support collagen production.   Cacao powder is full of goodness like magnesium and iron for healthy muscle and nerve function, antioxidants, flavanols and polyphenols for cardiovascular health.   When the two foods combine, they add a super boost to a diet, which helps us to be the best versions of ourselves. Made with organic ingredients: […]

Coconut Popcorn Chicken is a super tasty snack. I love popcorn chicken, which is even better than the fast food variety. What you’ll need: 175g coconut flour 1.5 teaspoon of baking powder 1 egg (room temperature) 150 ml of water + 2-3 ice cubes 1 cup of panko breadcrumbs 1 cup of desiccated coconut 300g of chicken breast 4-5 tablespoons of coconut oil 1 teaspoon of 5-spice mix (optional) Chill flakes (optional) Salt and pepper to taste What to do: Sift 125g of flour into a bowl; then add baking powder, salt, and pepper. Mix it all together and add the egg. Add the iced water and whisk everything together to form a smooth batter. Combine the breadcrumbs, coconut and chilli in a bowl, and add a bit more salt and pepper if you like. Add the remaining flour and 5-spice mixes in a bowl and coat the chicken breasts one by […]

I recently had a chat with Michelle, a primal health coach, owner of Santosha Wellbeing in Shell Harbour NSW, and yogi. Michelle is a widely respected wellness practitioner and advocate of primal health. During our chat, I asked Michelle a series of questions about primal health to share here on this page. What is primal health? Michelle: Primal health is a lifestyle; it’s not a diet; it’s much more than that. What I’ve found is that the word “diet” makes people feel scared about making changes to how they eat, or it puts people off, and then they approach change with a negative mindset. Primal health is, to an extent, living like our ancestors did without going out to hunt and gather. It involves eating food that is natural, unprocessed, things that our ancestors would have picked from a tree, pulled from the ground, and hunted. I eat all sorts […]

Hi, and welcome to The Coconut Store, your one-stop shop for nourishing and healthy coconut products for the pantry, skin, body, home, and pets. I am Reena, I am an everyday person seeking to live my best life by making healthy and better choices. I’ve found coconut products are a great addition to what I use, as well as a great alternative to some types of oils, flours and creams. I was born in Fiji, living there for only a short while, yet grew up with a lot of the cultural ways.  Coconuts were always in the house and used in many aspects of life – food, drink, hair oil, skin creams. It was the Fiji way of life. Wellness is a path I’ve found myself on for some time, starting with working in a spa environment and then learning about and understanding the benefits of living a low-tox/no-tox healthy […]

Why Is Natural Skin Care Better? Skin is your body’s largest organ and your protective barrier. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impervious or impenetrable. You must be aware of what you’re exposing it to, and natural skin care is critical. If you put dangerous ingredients on your skin, they get into your body — exactly where you don’t want them. Consider all the potential irritants that come in contact with your skin — chemical-laden personal hygiene products, fragrances, city-treated water, deodorant; the list goes on and on. Abiding by an organic skincare routine and natural skin care products will help your skin feel and look healthier. The Problem With Standard Skin Care Products The process of developing and putting a skin care product on the market is shrouded in mystery. You might think there are regulations to keep everyone honest, but, believe it or not, the Food and Drug Administration […]

Amazonia Raw Protein Isolate Choc Coconut (500g) is good for your gut! There is a growing trend toward plant-based lifestyles, with many people beginning to avoid animal products such as whey proteins. There is also a growing trend towards the consumption of non-synthetic, organic foods and gut health.   Amazonia Raw Protein Isolate provides a convenient and delicious plant-based protein source that is gentle on the digestive system and certified organic. It is an all-rounder protein, suitable for the whole family, gym-goer or those who wish to increase their daily protein intake.   FREE FROM Gluten, added sugar, dairy, additives, preservatives, GMOs & synthetics Sprouted & fermented plant protein Complete amino acid profile that may support muscle growth & maintenance of muscle mass Rich in Iron, Phosphorus & Zinc Digestive enzyme Bromelain that may aid protein absorption Less than 3g carbs per serve Delicious, smooth taste Certified Organic Non-synthetic, vegan, […]

Amazonia Raw Protein Organic Isolate Choc Coconut 1kg is good for your gut!   There is a growing trend toward plant-based lifestyles, with many people beginning to avoid animal products such as whey proteins. There is also a growing trend towards the consumption of non-synthetic, organic foods and gut health.   Are you tired of wasting money on protein powders that promise to give you the nutrition you need and then fail to deliver? We will show you how to save your money and still get the protein you want with this Organic Isolate Choc Coconut. Amazonia Raw Organic Protein Isolate Choc Coconut provides a convenient and delicious plant-based protein source that is gentle on the digestive system and certified organic. It is an all-rounder protein, suitable for the whole family, gym-goer, or those who simply wish to increase their daily protein intake.   FREE FROM gluten, added sugar, dairy, […]

Zeb Health Activated Coconut Charcoal Powder 300g. Activated charcoal powder is a potent natural treatment used to trap toxins and chemicals in the body, allowing them to be flushed out so the body doesn’t reabsorb them.   It is used to whiten teeth, reduce bloating and gas, lower cholesterol and help with bile flow problems safely during pregnancy. It can also be used for a digestive cleanse and as a skin wrap for acne and blackheads, and as a poultice to remove environmental toxins, poisons and dirt from the skin.   Zeb Health made Activated Coconut Charcoal Powder from coconut shells. Features Internal: It works by trapping toxins and chemicals in its millions of tiny pores and removing them from the body. It can adsorb many times its own weight in poisons, toxins, gases, odours and chemicals.   External: Activated Charcoal works by targeting toxins and drawing out impurities to […]