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What is Lymphatic System and Its Function

Overview of the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a network of delicate tubes throughout the body; in simplistic terms, it is our body’s ‘sewerage system.’ The lymphatic system is essential for the optimal functioning of our general and specific immune responses. It drains fluid (called lymph) that has leaked from the blood vessels into the tissues and empties it back into the bloodstream via the lymph nodes.

Overview of the lymphatic system and how to improve a sluggish one

Lymph nodes are the filters in our body. They exist at various points around the body, including the throat, armpits, chest, abdomen and groin. They monitor the lymph fluid flowing into them and produce cells and antibodies that protect our body from infection and disease.

The lymphatic system also includes other organs, such as the thymus, spleen, and tonsils. These organs contain immune cells that help to fight infection and maintain overall immune function.

A sluggish lymphatic system commonly results in a lowered immune system and fluid retention. It can also cause respiratory problems, sinus infections, swollen glands, eczema, colds, and ear infections.

Simple ways to stimulate a sluggish lymphatic system at home include:

Gentle dry brushing or use a body exfoliant

This will boost circulation, improve lymphatic flow, and remove dry skin.

Reduce Stress

Stress can impair lymphatic function by increasing inflammation in the body. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress.

Yoga/ Breathing Exercises

Supported shoulder stand and legs up-the-wall pose inversions that increase lymph circulation.

Deep breathing exercises can help to improve lymphatic flow by increasing oxygen levels in the body. Oxygen is essential for lymphatic function, and deep breathing exercises can help to improve lymphatic flow and reduce stress.

Drink Water

There’s no set amount to drink as there are a lot of variables from one person to the next.  University of Newcastle professor of nutrition and dietitians Clare Collins advises that for healthy people, the colour of their urine is supposed to be the colour of straw.

Use a roller

Facial rollers are used for their ability to promote lymphatic drainage and reduce puffiness.


Exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve lymphatic flow. When you exercise, your muscles contract and relax, which helps to pump lymphatic fluid through the vessels and nodes. Exercise can also help to reduce inflammation and improve overall immune function.


Massage can help to stimulate lymphatic flow and reduce swelling. Gentle massage techniques, such as lymphatic drainage massage, can help to move lymphatic fluid through the vessels and nodes.


Eating a healthy diet can help to support lymphatic function. Foods high in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can help reduce inflammation and improve immune function. Avoiding processed foods and foods high in sugar and saturated fats can also help to reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

Avoid Tight Clothing

Tight clothing can restrict lymphatic flow and lead to poor circulation. Avoid tight clothing, especially around the waist and legs, to improve lymphatic function.

Avoid Exposure to Toxins

Toxins can impair lymphatic function and lead to a range of health issues. To improve lymphatic function, avoid exposure to toxins such as cigarette smoke, pollution, and chemicals in household cleaning products.

Summing Up

This is very simplistic info about the lymphatic system and how to improve a sluggish system. The lymphatic system plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being, and a sluggish system can lead to various health issues.

Book in with your doctor and or other health professionals for detailed information and resources about the lymphatic system.


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