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Benefits of Eating Coconut Oil - Why & How to Incorporate It into Your Diet

Eating Coconut Oil: Why & How to Incorporate It into Your Diet

Coconut oil is rapidly becoming one of the most talked about fats. It has recently become a popular addition to dishes, with more and more people adding it to their meals daily. Both for its flavour and health benefits, coconut oil has become part of many people’s diets. When used correctly, coconut oil can be very beneficial in your diet. However, coconut oil has become heavily marketed, so it’s important to understand precisely why and how you should eat it. Eating coconut oil is good and we’ll tell you why in this article.

What is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is a plant oil extracted from copra (dried coconut meat) or fresh coconut meat. It is also called coconut fat, coconut oil, or coco oil. Coconut oil has about 90% saturated fat, higher than butterfat-with about 63% saturated fat. Its total fatty acid composition is about 60% medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA), the most easily digested form of fat. Coconut oil is also high in lauric acid, which has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. It is also high in antioxidants such as vitamins E and C.

Furthermore, unlike many other vegetable oils, coconut oil, has little to no oxidation risk and will not go rancid quickly. 

Benefits of Eating Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has a high level of saturated fat, making it solid at room temperature. About 90% of coconut oil is saturated fat, which many people think they should avoid because it’s unhealthy. However, this is far from the truth, as coconut oil has numerous nutritional benefits. It has many nutrients that are beneficial to diet and overall health and contains no cholesterol or fibre. Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can increase metabolism and help your body burn fats. It also has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that help improve skin and oral health. Unlike other oils, it enhances insulin response, supporting the body in maintaining blood sugar levels. These things make coconut oil a very healthy addition to your diet.

How Much Coconut Oil Should You Eat?

Generally, it would help if you ate 2-3 tablespoons (about 30ml or less) of coconut oil daily. Many people try to consume as much as possible, but you should be careful to do it sparingly. You’re only getting nutritional benefits if you take enough coconut oil. Simply ingesting a lot of unnecessary fat wasn’t really beneficial. It’s better to look at coconut oil’s nutritional facts. Usually, the number of grams of fat in a serving is on the back of the packaging. Two to three tablespoons of coconut oil contain approximately 28 to 30 grams of fat. This is a healthy amount of fat with numerous nutritional benefits. As awlays, consult your health care professional before starting, especially if you have existing health conditions. 

Side Effects of Consuming too Much Coconut Oil

Ingesting a lot of unnecessary fat may harm your body because it can lead to obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Additionally, if you consume too much coconut oil, it can cause digestive issues as well. Unlike other fats, coconut oil is easy to digest; eating more can lead to bloating, gas, cramps, and stomach pain.

How to Incorporate More Coconut Oil into Your Diet

You can incorporate more coconut oil into your diet in many different ways. Many people use coconut oil in almost any recipe, and it has a very mild coconut flavour that doesn’t overpower any meal. The easiest way to add coconut oil to your diet is to add it to your coffee or smoothies. Eating coconut oil every day has a positive impact on your health. It can increase metabolism, help people lose weight, and reduce inflammation and heart disease. Also, coconut oil fights skin infections and other diseases like Alzheimer’sdiabetes, and cancer. It also helps improve digestion and brain function.


How to keep

Coconut oil doesn’t need to be kept in the fridge. Keep the container lid securely closed. Coconut oil may last up to two years. Store it at a cool or room temperature to keep them fresh and retain its nutritional value. Depending on the temperature in your area, coconut oil can transition from solid to liquid in the container.



Coconut oil is a healthy fat that is very beneficial to your diet. It is rich in lauric acid, which has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. It is also high in antioxidants like Vitamins E and C. Unlike many other vegetable oils, coconut oil has little to no risk of oxidation and will not go rancid quickly. Coconut oil is high in MCTs, which can increase metabolism and help your body burn more fats. That being said, you should be eating coconut oil often. The best way to eat coconut oil is to add it to your food recipes, coffee, tea, or smoothies. You may also mix it into yoghurt, add it to oatmeal, or bake cakes using coconut oil! Always talk to your doctor before starting a new regime, and to discuss how this and anything can benefit your health. 


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